Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Christians Are Never Depressed?

Depression. I've been thinking about this subject and what to write seemingly forever.

Christians are never depressed.  Christians always have it easy.  Everything is always right in the life of a Christian. Blah, blah, blah....

These are blatantly false statements - every single one of them, yet if you are a Christian (or even if you are not) I believe that you will agree with me when I say that if we went by what everyone tells us or portrays to us then we have to believe these false statements. I often wonder when I answer, 'Oh, I'm just fine. How are you?' to someone who has asked, at what point does this become a big fat lie?  In my mind, I know that people do not really want to hear how I am when they ask - they want the niceties in passing.

Are we so shallow that we couldn't handle it if someone told the truth for once? Are we so selfish with our time that we couldn't take the extra few minutes to stop and listen to someone who has a burden or hurt and just needs to talk?  Are we so very indifferent to the needs of those around us?

Wait...we, the askers, are not the ones feeding everyone a line of 'the world is great' are we?  It is we the 'askees' who are putting this stuff out there.

Could it be that we don't want everyone to know that our lives are not perfect?  Is it even possible that our pride stops us from telling the whole truth? Do we not have enough trust in fellow believers or in our friends that we could share even just a quick word about where we are and what we stand in need of?  Do we cover over the hurts because we think we are the only ones in pain? If we admit to being depressed, are we saying that we do not believe God can handle our problems for us?

I say it's YES to all of the above. Are you ever conflicted when answering 'fine' to someone’s inquiry?  Does it make you feel just a little bit schizophrenic to be saying 'fine' when your whole world seems to be coming down around your ears?

Hmmm...are you wondering how I know all these things you are thinking? It's because I have had all those thoughts, and I believe EVERYONE has these thoughts in some way, shape or form. Showing vulnerability to anyone is difficult, even to my spouse. How could I possibly show my weaknesses to the wider world?

The bottom line is I believe that everyone experiences depression in some way. Some of us really get in there and do it up right - all the while smiling to the world like everything is just fine. It is amazing to me how alone one can be, even with a spouse who loves them or with a group of their closest friends.  Depression cuts you off emotionally from every one and everything. It pulls you down and keeps you down. It makes you believe that you must be a failure, and because you are not talking to anyone you don't realize that there are others out there, I mean people that you really know and love, who are going through exactly what you are going through.

As a Christian, I've often thought, 'My faith must be weak if I'm this low.' How did I not remember that my Creator made me and knows my weaknesses? How is it that we think that a God who created us does not know that we sometimes face situations we cannot handle? Even the most faithful, even someone who believes the Bible is God's word, even the 'best' Christian can face things that they can't process, can't handle, can't fight.

Depression does not mean you don't have faith - and I don't think it even means that your faith is weak. To me, depression just is.  Why does it have to mean something deep about my faith? Why do I have to read into it? It is so sad that so many people suffer silently, would rather die than admit that they could use a little help.

What I hope you take away from this post is the knowledge that you are not alone and the confirmation that depression is not something to be ashamed of, nor is it something to deny or sweep under the rug.

There’s so much more to say but this is all I’ve got words for now.

I would be interested in seeing your comments on this subject.  Linking to a broadcast on depression by Dr. David Jeremiah: http://www.davidjeremiah.org/site/radio_player.aspx?id=772

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